1824 Deep Run Road, Pipersville, PA 18947 | Call (215) 766-0388 | BOOK ONLINE

1824 Deep Run Road, Pipersville, PA 18947 | Call (215) 766-0388 | BOOK ONLINE

Dental Care

Dental Care

A healthy smile is crucial for your pet’s well-being.

Dogs and cats with healthy teeth and gums tend to eat better, live healthier, and live longer than pets with poor dental health. Oral disease can result in pain, tooth loss, and even more serious bacterial illness if left untreated. Dental disease is a common problem in pets, and the best way to prevent it is through regular dental checkups and cleaning.

Piper Veterinary Clinic offers comprehensive dental services, including:

  • Exams
  • X-rays
  • Anesthetic cleaning/polishing
  • Routine cleaning
  • Periodontal procedures
  • Surgical tooth extraction

Our approach also stresses proactive care such as proper diet, oral health treats, and at-home brushing, which we’ll be happy to instruct you how to do. Piper Veterinary Clinic veterinarians can also suggest solutions for broken or damaged teeth and other specialized dental issues.

Don’t wait—if your pet has bad breath or you suspect a dental issue, please request a dental exam appointment by calling us at 215-766-0388.